Garden Makeovers
Has Your Garden lost it's Soul?
We transform your garden and bring it back to life.
When your garden is tired, has lost its soul and no longer “fills your bucket with joy”.
When you need a peaceful place to rest, recover and enjoy at the end of (or even during) a busy day.
When the tangible physical and mental health benefits of the garden, supports you or a loved one while physically or emotionally recuperating.
When your family’s health and wellbeing, is boosted with the addition of nutrient rich, home grown herbs, fruits, vegetables that you pick from your own garden.
When you want to empower your children with the fun and learning of home garden, while promoting the benefits of a healthy body and environment, as they connect and play with nature.
We can help return the healing and nourishing power of your garden to your home.
We bring a holistic, nourishing soul back to your home.
We’ve seen the “backyard transformations” that they showcase on TV – with new pool, expanses of paving and brightly painted walls.
Well, that’s not what we do.
The Recovery Gardens and Edible Gardens that we create, bring a holistic soul back to your home.
Through careful planning, plant selection, soil preparation and companion planting, we create a dynamic ecosystem.
This has the benefit of enticing beneficial insects back to the garden, to promote pollination and also control pest insects, such as aphids.
When we create an environment where beneficial insects thrive, we help ensure a healthy balance in your garden and can dramatically reduce the need for sprays to control problem pests.
Another key feature of our Garden Makeovers, is selecting and planting, so as to attract small birds back into the garden.
The right plants and trees, correctly placed, provide a suburban habitat for the smaller birds, that also help bring sensory life back to the garden, with the added benefit of eating the troublesome insects that we don’t want.
So, talk to Jane today, about how she can bring back the healing and nourishing power of the garden back to your home.

Our Clients Love the Gardens we Create for Them
“A family member gifted me a “Recovery Garden Makeover” with Jane, when I was having treatment for Leukemia.
She spent time with me, walking around my garden and getting a feel for what would make the greatest impact for me. Then she set to work on my abandoned vegetable bed.
In only a few hours, Jane had transformed the soil and planted a range of different seedlings – flowering plants, vegetables, medicinal healing herbs and plants.
A few weeks on, and I’m excited every morning, to get up and see what’s new – new buds, new veggies, new smells!
My new healing garden is now a peaceful, therapeutic place, for me to relax and enjoy during my recovery. ”
Jill, from Brighton 2021 -
“I bought one of Jane’s beautiful Italian Basket as a present for myself.
It is sooo happy here and brings so much joy!!
The smell and flavours of beautiful fresh herbs in our dinner – yum!”
Kathy, Black Rock – 2021